Плагин xF2 [XFA] Core

xenforo2 обновил ресурс [XFA] Core новой записью:


Исправлены ошибки:
  • Исправлена ошибка в API Paypal, которая приводила к отсутствию поля имени при обработке платежей за цифровые товары на торговой площадке

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Плагин xF2 Subscriber Removed Notify by Xon

xenforo2 обновил ресурс Subscriber Removed Notify by Xon новой записью:


  • Требуется php 7.2+
  • Требуется XenForo 2.1+
  • Требуется StandardLib версии v1.21.0+
  • Поддержка XF2.3
  • Исправлено различие между блокировкой или удалением подписчика
  • Служба поддержки уведомляет, когда подписчик отклонен или отключен.

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Плагин xF2 [BLKF] AutoDelete

xenforo2 разместил(а) новый ресурс:

[BLKF] AutoDelete - Автоматическое удаление тем на выбранных форумах.

Краткое описание:

BLKF AutoDelete — это мощный и простой в использовании аддон для XenForo, предназначенный для автоматического удаления сообщений или тем с выбранных форумов по истечении заданного периода времени. Идеально подходит для форумов с временным контентом, таким как новости, реклама или обсуждения, которые не нужно хранить постоянно.

Основные характеристики:

  • Автоматическое удаление: автоматически удаляет...

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Strange upload attachments issue, keeps saying max uploads reached!

My PHP 8.2.26 is set to allow up to 50 attachment uploads in the gallery at once. This has worked fine for literally years. I confirmed this setting, and have max input vars, execution time, and related settings all cranked up.

But now, I uploaded a set of 50, then it started saying "max file uploads reached". But here's where it gets weird. The amount I could still upload each try got less and less. It let me upload 13 pictures, then 12, then lower and lower, 3, then 2, then 1...

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Плагин xF2 [AndyB] Block IP

xenforo2 обновил ресурс [AndyB] Block IP новой записью:


Исправлена проблема, приводившая к возникновению ошибки сервера, если API был недоступен.

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Threadmarks Pro [Paid]

Xon submitted a new resource:

Threadmarks Pro - Tag specific posts in a thread so they can be easily navigated to.

Tagging specific posts in a thread so they can be easily navigated to

This is useful for long threads discussing a topic over a lengthy period of time and many pages. A threadmark allows a user to quickly jump to a specific post which is related to a certain event, date, or whatever is relevant to the thread.

Optionally this allows building an 'index'...
Click to expand...

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match block-header to style

I'm trying to add a widget for advertisements title. (this is me secret method to use sidebar for ads...)

but I got stuck, cuz it's not matching the site's block-header.

that's the code used in template:

<div class="block">
    <div class="block-container">
        <h3 class="block-header">
        <div class="block-body">
            <p style="font-size: 0.9em; text-align: center; margin: 0;">
                To advertise, please email: <a...

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[OzzModz] Avatar Gallery

Ozzy47 submitted a new resource:

[OzzModz] Avatar Gallery - Provide a set of default avatars for users to pick from

Description :

  • This add-on allow you to offer your users a gallery of pre-selected avatars to use.
You need to find and upload your own avatars, this addon does not come with any default avatars.


Originally coded by ThemeHouse and released as open source.

View attachment 259875

View attachment 259876

View attachment 259877
Click to expand...

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Anybody else on Android having issues with videos in the HYS thread?

In the TipTap HYS thread is anybody else with Android having issues with the embedded videos?

With Chrome the play button icon does not appear, with Firefox the player controls are shown.

With both Chrome and Firefox the alignment of the video is off (this can be duplicated with Chrome on the desktop, just shrink the visible window width to be really narrow).


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Приветствуем нового пользователя, \\:envobe

@\\:envobe, Добро пожаловать на наш форум! Территория возможностей 💥 😉

Зарегистрированный пользователь не может скачивать ресурсы ознакомившись с условиями на странице с повышениями групп или в личном профиле!

Описания платных групп:

Плагин xF2 [TaylorJ] Blogs

xenforo2 обновил ресурс [TaylorJ] Blogs новой записью:


Исправлены ошибки:
  • При редактировании блога больше не создаётся новый блог с внесёнными изменениями, а исходный остаётся прежним

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Приветствуем нового пользователя, murovets

@murovets, Добро пожаловать на наш форум! Территория возможностей 💥 😉

Зарегистрированный пользователь не может скачивать ресурсы ознакомившись с условиями на странице с повышениями групп или в личном профиле!

Описания платных групп:

Disable embeds from a particular site

Wondering if anyone is working on the ability to toggle on/off specific external embeds?

As an example, toggle “off” the ability for users to use Imgur or X embeds while leaving everything else enabled.

Or vice versa, toggling “on” embeds for a limited number of websites.

To clarify, we don’t want to ban links to those websites, we just want to disable embeds to those sites.

In other words, being able to highly customize which external embeds we allow users to post.


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Video previews thumb nails are wrong aspect ratio and don’t indicate that they’re videos

Reading through the recent HYS about the TipTap editor I nearly skipped the videos as they seemed simply like incorrect aspect ratio static images.

It was only upon tapping that I realised they were video.

This could really do with a better preview UI


Additionally when swiping away the video, the thumbnail ends up off set to the right for some reason. iOS 18 on iPhone 13 Pro



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Tiptap: A new editor for XenForo

2.4 editor flare.webp
Rich text editors are hard. When you drill down into how they actually work, it's a wonder why there are so many of them, and why developers would willingly spend a significant part of their life working on one. At XenForo we have been through ... counts on fingers ... three different rich text editors in our history, so if we're being generous we can at least attest to what a feat of engineering they are and how difficult they can be to get right -- and all we have...

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User group promotions - running every hour (at 20 mins past), NOT every 20 mins as stated in other threads

We searched the forums to see how often user group promotions were expected to happen and found mention of every 20 mins in several posts.

When we checked our sites the cron is set to run at 20 mins past the hour; not every 20 mins.

Was this changed at some point or is an oversight/bug?

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Filter is lost after deleting multiple attachments

Steps to reproduce
  1. Go to admin.php?attachments/
  2. Open menu Filter
  3. Select Content type Post
  4. Select a few attachments by ticking the checkbox
  5. Scroll down (if necessary)
  6. Click Button Delete
  7. Confirm deletion
Expected Result
The filter is still active after the selected attachments have been deleted

Actual Result
No filter is active after the selected attachments have been deleted

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Плагин xF2 [XB] Google Search

xenforo2 разместил(а) новый ресурс:

[XB] Google Search - Интегрирует поисковую систему Google в ваш форум

Этот аддон интегрирует поисковую систему Google на ваш форум, позволяя пользователям искать на форуме с помощью поиска Google.

Кроме того, поиск в Google может выполняться автоматически, если стандартная поисковая система XenForo ничего не нашла или не сработала.

Вы должны зарегистрировать свою поисковую систему Google и указать её идентификатор в настройках дополнения, иначе дополнение не будет работать.

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