Seeking Custom Add-on Developers - Mid-To-Long-Term Projects

We have been running a small, but successful community using Xenforo for the last 9 years. So much so that we have completely scrapped the idea of creating and migrating to a custom NodeJS script. With the upgrade from Xenforo 1 to Xenforo 2, the possibilities of developing newer, more relevant features for our community is on the forefront of our priorities.

As such, we are constantly on the look-out for Xenforo developers who are interested in mid-to-long-term custom add-on work.

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Do you allow ban appeals from your members?

Banning is something that is usually done as a last resort and is often not reversible but in some cases, a ban can be given to a member that was not warranted and the need of some kind of appeal system essential.

When you ban members, do you have an appeal system? If you do, how often does it get used?

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D.C Style - Thread Icon

D.C Style submitted a new resource:

D.C Style - Thread Icon - Allow users to add icons to their threads.


Allow users to add icons to their threads.
  • Customize icon for each thread based on Font Awesome Icons.
  • Allow choosing forums that can use thread icons.
  • Allow choosing icon position (before, after thread title), globally, or depending on each thread setting.
  • Support permission for each user group.
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Turn off emails option

It would be nice to have an option to stop all email notifications being sent to user.

XF/Service/User/EmailStop->stopAll() function already exists, just need to be able to trigger it as admin for particular user.

Occasionally receiving spam reports because some user flagged forum emails as spam. Don't see the other way to resolve such issues.

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Приветствуем нового пользователя, fvngvrh

@fvngvrh, Добро пожаловать на наш форум! Территория возможностей 💥 😉

Зарегистрированный пользователь не может скачивать ресурсы ознакомившись с условиями на странице с повышениями групп или в личном профиле!

Описания платных групп:

Make XenForo requirements script results more accurate and robust for all server setups

As it currently sits the XenForo requirements script ( does not function check all required and recommended functions. It still currently relies on what php.ini reports through ini_get('disable_functions'); to determine if many functions are available. This is not very accurate as php functions can be disabled in numerous places on the server outside of php.ini, for example through server configuration files like .htaccess, web...

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[TH] Connected Account Providers [Deleted]

ThemeHouse submitted a new resource:

Connected Account Providers - Let users register and log in with outside accounts



Connected Account Providers
Get Connected Account Providers for free by using the coupon code MOREPROVIDERS during checkout.

Remembering login information for...
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Приветствуем нового пользователя, Makasd

@Makasd, Добро пожаловать на наш форум! Территория возможностей 💥 😉

Зарегистрированный пользователь не может скачивать ресурсы ознакомившись с условиями на странице с повышениями групп или в личном профиле!

Описания платных групп:

Can’t write title for non premium users

Hi, I'm the admin of the Il Forum dei Bruttiforum.

Let's get to the point, for a two monthsnow in that forum you have to be a premium user to not encounter the following error

Consider trying to post a thread like in this forum...

If a non-premium user tries to type the title normally in the title box first and then the text of the thread below, it gives him an error saying:
Oops! We ran into some problems.
The requested page could not be found.

A non-premium...

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Media slider behaviour

I set a media slider like this:




It seems to me that previously the scrolling was done in sequences of 1 slide, whereas now 6 slides scroll at once, displaying 6 others. It's very uncomfortable, the display duration being only 2 or 3 seconds, it doesn't allow you to view 6 thumbnails in this time... Has this changed? Is this a bug? Intentional?

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I’m selling PayPal Accounts and Paypal Transfers all over the world.

I’m selling PayPal Accounts and Paypal Transfers all over the world. I’m getting much stuff through spamming but also have a big experience in botnets etc.

1. Set up email and PayPal in fullz name

2. Join my Verified TeleGram Channel.

3. Both Verified accounts and Non Verified accounts can still receive transfer.

4. Money goes through PayPal and is ready for instant transfer

5. Now find a good Paypal without a balance for all your PayPal transfer

6. 10 to 15 minutes to receive your...

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[OzzModz] Breadcrumb Essentials

Nulumia submitted a new resource:

Breadcrumb Essentials - Adds useful Style Properties to customize your breadcrumb, XF1 appearance, hide/show & locations!


Breadcrumb Essentials for Xenforo 2 adds numerous popular and requested features by the Xenforo community! Finally, you can customize your breadcrumb with useful Style Properties which have been missing in...
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Export entire thread but only selected user posts

Have a member who wants to export a 1000+ post thread to PDF for legal reasons.
I know XF2 Addons has an option to export a thread and it works great.

Export thread

Description: Allows exporting contents of a thread. This add-on will show the entire thread as one page. It's useful should you want to save the thread as a PDF document. (Example of Export thread link) (Example of Export thread select...

But I only want his posts to be exported. I don't want anyone else on the thread to be exported.
Is that a thing that's available?

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Remember last position in a thread

It would be nice if Xenforo could remember the last post (or previous to last nth if that post was removed) in a thread that was viewed/read.

It's quite annoying to click on a thread that I've read up to halfway on Page 3, now on Page 4, only to be taken to Page 1 when I click on it in What's new, etc.

The expected behavior would be clicking on a thread, going to Page 3, and dropping down to post #68 on that thread (in the example of halfway on Page 3).

I know that bookmarking can...

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Приветствуем нового пользователя, Mura Corleone

@Mura Corleone, Добро пожаловать на наш форум! Территория возможностей 💥 😉

Зарегистрированный пользователь не может скачивать ресурсы ознакомившись с условиями на странице с повышениями групп или в личном профиле!

Описания платных групп:

Hard deleting thread with unapproved posts does not update approval queue

Hard deleting a thread with unapproved posts does not update approval queue.

Steps to reproduce:

Create new thread.
Reply to thread.
Unapprove post.

At this point you will see there is one unapproved post in the Approval queue.

Hard delete thread.

At this point you would expect the Approval queue to be empty, yet is still contains one unapproved item.

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