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Set an image as avatar

If you use the "set this image as avatar" function the process is confusing.
You therefore click on the link "Define this image as avatar" and this window is displayed:

Capture d'écran 2024-09-27 092059.webp

You click "Save" and your avatar is modified accordingly.
Despite everything, this second window is displayed:

Capture d'écran 2024-09-27 092115.webp

You can click anywhere other than this overlay window to make it disappear, your avatar remains defined on the chosen image.

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Wordpess Drama

Anyone else paying attention to the current Wordpress (Matt Mullenweg) and his vendetta against WP Engine?

Here's an article about it: The WordPress vs. WP Engine drama, explained | TechCrunch

It's to the point that Wordpress.org is actively blocking customers who use WP Engine from using the main repo for plugin and themes.

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inconsistant interface is wonky

still getting back around into all the corners and seeing how things look and work after the 2.3 upgrade...ive noticed this strange one and its on all xf sites ive looked at including this one.....

starting off, its good>>>go into the gallery>>>click a thumbnail>>>you get a large zoomable image, the sidebar, and the user controls and everything seems wonderful....

now, refresh the page?........none of that, forget it.....find your way back to the main gallery page and start again or...

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Username Restrictions

Xon submitted a new resource:

Username Restrictions - Prevents usernames from matching usergroups (helps user group tagging)

Prevents users from selecting a username which matches user groups. Ensures user group tagging works as expected.
  • Prevents explicit matches.
  • Optionally prevent partial matches.
  • Optionally enforce on administrators.

Contributing features or bug fixes
Please create a Github Pull request via the "More Information" link...
Click to expand...

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[XFA] Trophies Enhancement (categories, icons, leadeboard, announcement,...) - XF2 [Paid]

XFA submitted a new resource:

[XFA] Trophies Enhancement - XF2 (categories, icons, more to come...) - Take your trophies to the next level !

If you ever felt that Trophies were cool but lacked a bit of spotlight, this add-on is definitely what you are seeking !

Trophies enhancement adds support for trophies categories and trophies icons with the choice to pick among 3 options:
  • Font Awesome
  • Icons loaded from your server
  • Sprite...
Click to expand...

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Приветствуем нового пользователя, Phantomas

@Phantomas, Добро пожаловать на наш форум! Территория возможностей 💥 😉

Зарегистрированный пользователь не может скачивать ресурсы ознакомившись с условиями на странице с повышениями групп или в личном профиле!

Описания платных групп:

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Cost of Migration Discourse to XenForo Questions

Hi, Im considering making a change soon and I know theres a few people around here that could make this easier. I dont want a lot of downtime in the process so not wanting to mess it with it myself. If anyone could message me that would be great.

Are there any themes that would keep it similar to appearance Discourse in card style? Where on latest the images would show in full? Also are chats available here or just private messages? I like the chat feature discourse has but wasnt sure if...

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Sync attachment media mirroring by thread or post

It would be really practical to be able to synchronize mirror images by thread or even better, by message. Currently it's the whole forum or nothing, and sometimes you would like to synchronize images from a message which have not been, often because they were added when editing the message by the OP. Using the ACP tool requires you to revisit the entire gallery to delete those that you had already deleted because they are not of interest.

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Can I reverse the post order in a thread?

I have a Memes sub-forum, and I created a sticky thread where I'll post lots of memes.

But I want users to always see the latest posts first. That way it's easy to just scroll on their phones, without having to go past all the stuff they've already seen. They'll know they've made it to the end of the new content when they scroll down to a meme they've already seen.

So is it possible to make a thread display all the posts in reverse? The newest post should always appear to be at the top...

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Article thread - text wrap

We have searched but can't find anything on having text wrap around images in article threads as seen here Video on forum & thread types where Kier runs through the basics. Should we be able to do this without a plug-in or is something extra required to enable text wrapping? I'm not a developer so if code is required, an explanation for a 5 year old would be appreciated!

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Can Enhanced Search treat & or and the same

We have Enhanced Search & Elastic Search installed on a VPS and working nicely (with XON's superb add-ons too).
However it doesn't treat the character & and the word and as the same.
To be clear, a search for "Jack and Jill" does not find the phrase "Jack & Jill" and vice versa.
I would hope that this superb technology would solve this common problem:)

Have we made a mistake in our config settings?
Should it treat
both &
as if they were the same?
Many thanks...

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[PAID] Drip Content

Looking to pay you to create a plugin that drips content, threads and subsequent replies, out over time in a forum based on either a fixed date or relative to a users signup date. Want to be able to setup unlimited 'drips' on a thread basis.

If the content is not available to the user, then display a customized the message.

Want to be able to override the drip schedule to grant access to a member.

I want to have all the threads visible but not accessible to those who haven’t reached the...

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Improve date() or <xf:date> for templates or store custom field dates as unix timestamps to the day only

I suggest enhancing the date() template function to support PHP-style formatting, or modifying the <xf:date> conditional to include date and format attributes (while retaining time for where it's already used). This would allow it to recognize custom user field dates set in the format 2024-09-12, and format them as something like "September 12, 2024" or "Sep 12, 24", making them more consistent with other dates seen across XenForo


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6 Proven Ways to Help Your Child Develop Good Study Habits

Here are some ways that parents can assist their children in developing good study habits which in turn benefits the child in his/her academic achievements as well as in tackling upcoming tasks. Regardless of whether your child is joining CBSE Schools in Panchkula or the best preschools in Panchkula, applying the above-stated approaches will go a long way in their education. Below are ten methods any parent can apply to nurture proper study habits in his or her child.

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