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Email send dont work

Having problems sending emails, after many attempts I managed to get Amazon Ses SMTP to work. Now if I try to send an email from my site (via the contact email) it arrives and therefore I think everything is working fine, also because in admin I no longer receive any system errors.
The problem is that users (and I too) don't receive emails notifying me if there is a new reply to a discussion I follow or have replied to.
What should I check?
Thank you

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Implement add-ons marketplace

At the moment, all add-ons are downloaded and installed by the user from the outside - it is high time for us to get rid of this process and introduce quality control of the products that developers implement on your platform.

This will solve several problems for customers:
  1. Single implementation of add-on licensing. The user will no longer have to have a dozen accounts on the sites of different developers to have a license for several add-ons
  2. Convenience and ease of...

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Приветствуем нового пользователя, Владимир Мельник

@Владимир Мельник, Добро пожаловать на наш форум! Территория возможностей 💥 😉

Зарегистрированный пользователь не может скачивать ресурсы ознакомившись с условиями на странице с повышениями групп или в личном профиле!

Описания платных групп:

  • Владимир Мельник
    admin добавил(а) новый ресурс: OzzModz - Advanced Sticky Thread Separator - Новый вид закрепленных тем. Узнать больше об этом ресурсе...
    • Статья
    Приветствуем нового пользователя, Logger__Wislon

    @Logger__Wislon, Добро пожаловать на наш форум! Территория возможностей 💥 😉

    Зарегистрированный пользователь не может скачивать ресурсы ознакомившись с условиями на странице с повышениями групп или в личном профиле!

    Описания платных групп:

    • Статья
    Does saveIfChanged check if custom fields have changed?

    I know this sounds like a stupid question but I want to make sure.

    If I have a function that calls $item->custom_fields->set and then after $item->saveIfChanged - does XF check if the set command actually made a difference, or will the fact I called set mean it will save?



    // $item->custom_fields->test is currently equal to 1
    $item->custom_fields->set('test', 1, 'admin', true);

    Will the entity save or skip (as the value even though set, was exactly the...

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    • Статья
    [XenConcept] Show Forum / Category Moderators [Paid]

    XenConcept submitted a new resource:

    [XenConcept] Show Forum Moderators - This add-on allows you to see forum moderators in each forum.

    This add-on allows you to see forum moderators in each forum.

    View attachment 169185
    Click to expand...

    Read more about this resource...

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    • Статья
    Optical separation direct messages vs. forum posts?

    Hi there,

    under "Your account" -> "Your content" the search results from own forum posts and direct messages are mixed together.

    How can I achieve that there is a good optical separation between both of them? Is it possible to set up another background color for direct message search results? Or is it possible to give the direct messages a special prefix?

    Thank you!

    Kind regards,


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    v2.2.16 to v2.3.0 upgrade error

    I get the following error when updating to the latest version, 2.3.0. Can you please help on this issue?

    error image

    An exception occurred: [TypeError] Argument 2 passed to XF\DataRegistry::__construct() must be an instance of Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider or null, instance of SV\RedisCache\SymfonyCache\Redis given, called in /home/xxxx.com/public_html/src/XF/App.php on line 734 in src/XF/DataRegistry.php on line 27

    1. XF\DataRegistry->__construct() in src/XF/App.php at...

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    • Статья
    Change CSS Order

    So I'm loading up some CSS/Less in one of my templates.

    I'm loading structured_list.less then I'm loading my_custom.less. The problem I'm having is, it doesn't matter what order I put them in, or where in the template I load them, my_custom.less is always loaded into the page first. So the question is, how can I change the order they're loaded into the page? I'm overwriting some of the CSS from structured_list.less in my my_custom.less, but those changes aren't made because I can't load...

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    Point Redeem by Siropu [Paid]

    Siropu submitted a new resource:

    Point Redeem by Siropu - Users can redeem their trophy points for something else or donate them to each other.

    This add-on can add utility to trophy points where users can redeem their trophy points for something else or donate their trophy points to other members.

    Redeem options
    Allows you to create various redeem options for users where you can set custom redeem rates with custom user fields, point redeem limit, user redeem...
    Click to expand...

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    ACP Rebuild jobs cannot be processed by CLI?

    ACP has a message; "There are manual rebuild jobs awaiting completion. Continue running them." [ /admin.php?tools/run-job ]

    Attempting to complete from CLI gives no action ...

    php cmd.php xf:run-jobs
    All outstanding jobs have run.

    Is there no way to process User Batch Updates ( /admin.php?users/batch-update ) job from CLI?

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    • Статья
    XF Resource needs a version compatibility filter

    Can we please have a method to search/filter xenforo.com resources by the compatible version number!

    Screenshot 2024-07-06 at 13.14.03.webp

    As with all dot point releases, without any option to filter (eg. by 2.3 or 2.2) is extremely challenging to see which addons are compatible with 2.3 release. A simple functionality to filter or search by the compatible version number will make the experience and usage so much easier.

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    • Статья
    2.2 -> 2.3 browser upgrade hosed install (missing MemcachedCache and VoidCache classes)


    PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Error: Class "Doctrine\Common\Cache\MemcachedCache" not found in /~/src/XF/Cache/MemcachedCache.php:9
    Stack trace:
    #0 /~/src/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php(576): include()
    #1 /~/src/vendor/composer/ClassLoader.php(427): Composer\Autoload\{closure}('...')
    #2 /~/src/XF/CacheFactory.php(197): Composer\Autoload\ClassLoader->loadClass('...')
    #3 /~/src/XF/CacheFactory.php(81): XF\CacheFactory->createMemcachedCache(Array)
    #4 /~/src/XF/CacheFactory.php(36)...

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    • Статья
    ErrorException: [E_WARNING] Trying to access array offset on null src/XF/ConnectedAccount/ProviderData/XenForoProviderData.php:22


    I am receiving errors in my adminCP

    Error code:

    ErrorException: [E_WARNING] Trying to access array offset on null src/XF/ConnectedAccount/ProviderData/XenForoProviderData.php:22
    Generated by: NICK97 Jul 5, 2024 at 5:46 PM
    Stack trace
    #0 src/XF/ConnectedAccount/ProviderData/XenForoProviderData.php(22): XF::handlePhpError(2, '[E_WARNING] Try...', '/home/citiesmod...', 22)
    #1 src/XF/ConnectedAccount/ProviderData/AbstractProviderData.php(175)...

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    • Статья
    Must pass valid resource in src/XF/Http/ResponseStream.php:18

    This seems to be a known issue since quite some while, happens when using Backblaze B2. Wonder if one should at least change the error handling, since it spams the logs (occurs like 1-2 times a day).


    #0 src/XF/Http/Response.php(262): XF\Http\ResponseStream->__construct(false, 1343733)
    #1 src/XF/Pub/View/Attachment/View.php(28): XF\Http\Response->responseStream(false, 1343733)
    #2 src/XF/Mvc/Renderer/AbstractRenderer.php(92): XF\Pub\View\Attachment\View->renderRaw()

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    JS issues after upgrading to 2.3 RC1

    Created a testing site at bvtot.com and use a backup database of my production site (2.2.16)
    Updated to 2.3 RC fine but a lot of items are not working. I believe it's mainly javascript related.

    1) All the timestamp are shown as later_today_at_x but when hover on it, it shows the correct time.
    2) All the usercards are messed up. Again, maybe JS related.
    Screenshot 2024-07-05 at 6.45.16 PM.webp

    3) Editor are missing icons, etc.

    Below are a few console errors from the browser.

    Uncaught TypeError: XF.on is not a...

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    Server error log - need help

    I need help to fix this system error


    Server error log
        ErrorException: Fatal Error: Declaration of Egulias\EmailValidator\Validation\MessageIDValidation::isValid(string $email, Egulias\EmailValidator\EmailLexer $emailLexer): bool must be compatible with Egulias\EmailValidator\Validation\EmailValidation::isValid($email, Egulias\EmailValidator\EmailLexer $emailLexer) src/vendor/egulias/email-validator/src/Validation/MessageIDValidation.php:23
        Generated by: Sylvain Jul 5, 2024 at...

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    Problem getting PayPal product

    Server error log on Account upgrades.


    ErrorException: Problem getting PayPal product (user_upgrade_1): The specified resource does not exist. src/XF/Error.php:82
    Generated by: Nirjonmela Jul 6, 2024 at 4:14 AM
    Stack trace
    #0 src/XF.php(257): XF\Error->logError('Problem getting...', false)
    #1 src/XF/Payment/PayPalRest.php(351): XF::logError('Problem getting...')
    #2 src/XF/Payment/PayPalRest.php(388): XF\Payment\PayPalRest->getProductById(Object(XF\Purchasable\Purchase)...

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    Border radius on Default theme

    Looking to change the border radiuses on the default 2.3.0 theme.

    Any place that has a 90 degree meeting point, I would liek to add a gentle rounding to.

    Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

    (I know my customizations will need to go into extra.less, but I am sort of lost at using the Development tools in the browser).

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