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Frequently Asked Questions Plugin [Paid]

Stylesfactory submitted a new resource:

Frequently Asked Questions Plugin - Simple and easy to configure FAQ plugin

  • Add questions
  • Add categories
  • Rich text editor for questions
  • Questions can be set in categories
  • Default toggle option for questions and answers

DEMO: here
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Node icons

So, before the upgrade to 2.3 I had my own custom node icons
Below is what’s in my extra.less file


/* Forum read & unread icons */
.node--forum.node--read .node-icon i:before{content: url(styles/default/xenforo/whistle.png);}
.node--forum.node--unread .node-icon i:before{content: url(styles/default/xenforo/whistlered.png);}

/* Subforum read & unread icons */
.subNodeLink:before{content: url(styles/default/xenforo/whistle.png) !important;}...

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Site broken after upgrade to XF2.3


I have upgraded my website from XF2.2 to 2.3 as usual using CLI without any issue.


php cmd.php xf:upgrade
Current version: 2021672
Upgrade target: 2030070 (2.3.0)
Are you sure you want to continue with the upgrade? [y/n] y

Running upgrade to 2.3.0 Alpha, step 1... done.
Running upgrade to 2.3.0 Alpha, step 2... done.
Running upgrade to 2.3.0 Alpha, step 3... done.
Running upgrade to 2.3.0 Alpha, step 4... done.
Running upgrade to 2.3.0 Alpha, step 5... done.
Running upgrade to...

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the media item you uploaded could not be processed

I got this error here on xf.com
Unfortunately, the media item you uploaded named Kalimba.mp3 could not be processed. Please upload a different file and try again.

Yet, I am able to upload this file to my server. I have mp3 support for XF1 active on my site.
Why does it not work for XFMG here?

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Error upgrading to 2.3.0

Got the following server error after upgrading: Error: Call to undefined method XF\Style::getVariation() src/XF/CssRenderer.php:105

#0 src/XF/CssRenderer.php(80): XF\CssRenderer->setStyle(Object(XF\Style))
#1 src/XF/Pub/View/ServiceWorker/Offline.php(22): XF\CssRenderer->__construct(Object(XF\Pub\App), Object(XF\Template\Templater), NULL)
#2 src/XF/Mvc/Renderer/AbstractRenderer.php(91): XF\Pub\View\ServiceWorker\Offline->renderHtml()
#3 src/XF/Mvc/Renderer/Html.php(47)...

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LESS lighten/darken functions no longer work as expected


<xf:set var="$color" value="rgb(173, 216, 230)"/>
<xf:set var="$lighen" value="{{ parse_less_color("lighten({$color}, 30%)") }}"/>
<xf:set var="$darken" value="{{ parse_less_color("darken({$color}, 30%)") }}"/>
<xf:set var="$background" value="{{ parse_less_color('@xf-contentBg') }}"/>
{{ dump($color) }}
{{ dump($lighen) }}
{{ dump($darken) }}
{{ dump($background) }}
In XF2.2, this outputs:

"rgb(173, 216, 230)"
In XF2.3, this outputs:


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How to connect WordPress & XenForo with oAuth?

With 2.3's oAuth, how do we connect WordPress and Xenforo together? I would think this is possible now without an $80 addon (which I cannot currently afford even half that).

If someone could provide a step-by-step guide on how to get this setup, I'm sure myself and possibly hundreds more people in the future, would be extremely helpful. Preferably using a free oAuth plugin on WordPress.

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Prefix style manager [Paid]

AndyB submitted a new resource:

Prefix style manager - Allows defining custom prefix styles.

Premium upgrade:

This XF2 add-on along with the entire collection can be purchased for $35.00 USD. Your Premium upgrade will allow you to download as many XF2 add-ons as you like for one year. Please see the entire collection located in the Resources area at this URL:

XF2 Addons


Allows defining custom prefix styles...
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lol site broke after upgrading to 2.3

so, earlier today i tried to 1 click install xf 2.3, after the upgrade was completed, my site went blank. it didn't show anything (completely blank). I tried to run a backup, after the restore was complete, i'm not getting " An unexpected database error occurred. Please try again later. "

I was so fedup, I was going to delete my database and create a whole new one and reinstall XF, but then I thought let me ask you to see if anyone here can help me save my database/site.

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Email logging / Activity Summary

I created a small add-on to track emails going out. I extended mailer and everything works as expected. My question is what insight does anyone have to categorize emails? Ideally. I could add a filter to filter by registration, activity summary, DM, etc.

I suppose I could utilize the subject or body to categorize but was hoping for something less janky.

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Finder::setDefaultOrder no longer resolves column names from joins

Previously calling setDefaultOrder('MasterTitle.phrase_text') would cause an implicit join on MasterTitle with XF2.3.0RC5+ it no longer does.

The issue is the column text is passed to renderToOrderSqlParts/columnSqlName after joins have been processed in getQuery, which means the join no longer happens.

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Advanced Quote/Reply Essentials [Paid]

Wutime submitted a new resource:

Reply No Quote - Allow users to reply without immediately quoting post text

For the price of a latte 🙂

This add-on adds a new “Reply” button and replaces the old reply button with “Reply with Quote”.

If you’d like to offer users the ability to reply to posts without forcing them to quote, this is the add-on you’re looking for.

This was a useful solution for our forum where many users have difficulty scrolling through unnecessarily...
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500 Error Mid Upgrade

I ran the upgrade and got a 500 error for the whole site. Everything is down. What would be the steps to troubleshoot?
It's for dance-forums.com

Found this in the error log

Sat Jul 06 18:19:09.515103 2024] [lsapi:error] [pid 70365:tid 47689249085184] [client] [host www.dance-forums.com] Backend fatal error: PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class 'Doctrine\\Common\\Cache\\VoidCache' not found in /home/dancefo2/public_html/src/XF/CacheFactory.php:251\nStack trace:\n#0...

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Best Xenforo Themes or Custom that doesnt look like 5+ years old?

Lets face it, literally all the Xenforo themes still have such an old look to them and nothing has really changed in the past 5-10 years from theme wise - its still the same layouts. So that being said, who here knows or have done something amazing where it looks very modern and unique from all the other xenforo themes out there?

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jQuery context not available

After updating to 2.3.0, any third-party scripts using jQuery do not work. Looks like a context scope issue.

You can reproduce it by inserting a similar code into any template:

    console.log(typeof jQuery);
    console.log(typeof $);
    function uniq_fn()


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Featured resource displayed alongside an image from the gallery.

Hello, I have just featured a resource, and a random image from the gallery is being displayed alongside it. 🤨
The resource was created today, and the image was uploaded to the gallery on June 30th.

Resource : DOC permaculture - La révolution d'un seul brin de paille
Image : Tour de culture en pneus pour des pommes de terre
Result : Notre sélection

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[XTR] Forum statistics

Osman submitted a new resource:

[XTR] Forum statistics - This add-on allows you to show the forum statistics with columns.

This add-on allows you to highlight your forum statistics on your website in columns of different color tones. As you know, we have previously presented a similar structure in the Ryzer Pro design regarding forum statistics. Now, we present a similar structure to you, our valued members, in a structure that can be added as a widget according...
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multiple data-target


I used to use multiple classes in data-target like this:

<span id="collapse-{$node.node_id}" class="collapseTrigger collapseTrigger--block {{ !is_toggled('_node-' . $node.node_id) ? ' is-active' : '' }}" title="Toggle Visibilty" data-xf-click="toggle" data-xf-init="toggle-storage" data-storage-type="cookie" data-target=".block--category{$node.node_id} .block-body, .block--category{$node.node_id} .block-container" data-storage-key="_node-{$node.node_id}"></span>

but this...

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