Плагин xF2 [DBTech] Payment UI

НетМеня обновил ресурс [DBTech] Payment UI новой записью:


Основные моменты обновлений​

!!Для этой версии требуется PHP 8.0+!!!

В этой версии в основном представлена совместимость с XenForo 2.3. Дополнение было полностью обновлено, что означает, что для этого дополнения не требуется никаких уровней совместимости, таких как загрузка jQuery или других подобных исправлений.

Кроме того, было исправлено несколько ошибок, о которых сообщалось с момента выпуска последней версии XenForo 2.2.

Полный журнал...​

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Unread nodes title - inspector strike css

I am trying to change the nodes unread titles. I have added this into the extra.less


But the color doesn't change. When i open the inspector i see that the color is striked through.


I have then tried to change the color directly in the template:
but same problem, I can see in the inspector that the color is striked..
(I have removed all other extra.less codes to avoid conflict)

Do you have any why?

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Attachment limit settings?

First off. many thanks for the improvements in XFMG 2.3.

I would have liked the XFMG settings to include a max attachment limit (count).

Currently you have attachment settings in 2 places Messages and Attachments. In both cases it's stated "Use 0 to allow an unlimited amount of images per message.". But it is hardcoded to a max of 100 the "Use 0" sadly does not work.

100 is much better than the 50 that was hardcoded in the last version. I know all the reasons for putting a hard limit...

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User registration broken since XF 2.3

User registration has been broken on my forum since attempting an upgrade to XF 2.3. I get this error message when someone tries to register:

XF\Db\Exception: MySQL query error [1364]: Field 'ap_ss_ignored_user_style' doesn't have a default value src/XF/Db/AbstractStatement.php:230
Generated by: Unknown account Jul 10, 2024 at 6:20 PM
Stack trace
INSERT  INTO `xf_user_profile` (`user_id`, `location`, `password_date`, `dob_day`, `dob_month`, `dob_year`, `custom_fields`, `signature`...

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Profile Post Comments Duplicating after commenting in 2.3

When you reply / comment on someones profile post and your comment is added every existing comment is also duplicated. And it keeps happening every time you reply.

This appears to be an AJAX issue, as if you exit out of the profile post, and then load it back up each comment only appears once. The duplication only happens at the time of reply and is only temporary.


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User permission isn't saved when updated from the profile page


User permission isn't saved when updated from the profile page. I have tested this on a vanilla installation without any add-ons.

For example,

Editing this page won't save any permission changes:


But editing using the user permissions page would save it:


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Приветствуем нового пользователя, ZeroByte

@ZeroByte, Добро пожаловать на наш форум! Территория возможностей 💥 😉

Зарегистрированный пользователь не может скачивать ресурсы ознакомившись с условиями на странице с повышениями групп или в личном профиле!

Описания платных групп:

  • Z
    ZeroByte отреагировал на сообщение НетМеня в теме Стиль xF2 [Stylesfactory] Gamesboard. Реакция: Нравится Нравится
    НетМеня обновил ресурс [Stylesfactory] Gamesboard новой записью: 2.2.15a Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
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    [cXF] Node icons with image

    BassMan submitted a new resource:

    [cXF] Node icons with image - DIY tutorial to change default FA node icons with image

    Would you like to change your default Font Awesome node icons with image like this?

    < read node >
    View attachment 213366

    < unread node >
    View attachment 213367

    To change a single node icon with an image add this code to your extra.less template:

    Rich (BB code):

    /*** Node icons with image **/
    .node.node--id[B][COLOR=rgb(226, 80, 65)]X[/COLOR][/B] {
        .node-icon i { display: none...
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    ConversationMessage::getTypePermissionTypeConstraints should apply when $isOnlyType is true

    ConversationMessage::getTypePermissionTypeConstraints prevents non-recipients from searching for conversation messages they are not part of. This for some reason is skipped when $isOnlyType is true.

    Without getTypePermissionTypeConstraints applying the recipient constraint when searching just conversations, search will be degraded for users as the number of conversations grows. That is Elasticsearch will return more and more results XF needs to filter out.

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    Index Page Route Question

    I had my forum in the root location and then moved it to a folder (/forums/).

    I realize now though, since I didn't change the "Index Page Route" value of "/forums", that all of my URLS are now:


    I would like this to just be:


    If I delete the value under "Index Page Route" will this result in my desired outcome? If not, how do I get to the state of:


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    Attachments change their order

    A problem with the order of the attachments.

    a) many small ones have to be uploaded at the same time - so that many get the same timestamp.
    b) I don't know why it is like this, but there must be another post with the same behaviour under A.
    Only then will the order change either in one or in all posts.
    c) One post alone is not enough or at least I could not reproduce it.

    Just watch the video, then it will become clearer ;)

    This behaviour is bad. Many users want their pictures to be...

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    Плагин xF2 Warning Improvements by Xon

    BOT_XF обновил ресурс Warning Improvements by Xon новой записью:


    • Восстановлена поддержку XF2.1
    • исправления совместимости с php 8.4+
    • Исправлено, при удалении предупреждения могло не отображаться диалоговое окно подтверждения удаления

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    Just upgraded, disabled all addons, but freeze!

    I managed to disable all ADD on's remove the Style from ThemeHouse which break the forum and the forum itself comes up, working fine now.

    The admin CP also works fine until I try to install a ADDON for V.2.23 then it starts the process but freeze the screen like this:

    It never comes any further, if I then re login to the Admin CP sometimes it has made the upgrade sometimes it just stopped in the middle.

    This is on a test server, but so far it looks a mess... what can course...

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    Warning Acknowledgement [Paid]

    Xon submitted a new resource:

    Warning Acknowledgement - Allows forcing acknowledgement of a warning

    Requires Warning Improvements be installed and active.

    Warning Acknowledgement tracks if a user has acknowledged a warning and (optional) prevents a warned user from doing things like the following until they acknowledge the warning;
    • Whitelist forums for replies.
    • Disable replies.
    • Disable likes.
    • Disable viewing conversations .
    • Disable...
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    Hi, after installing Xenforo 2.3, I'm having issues disabling or uninstalling XR PRODUCT MANAGER.

    Is there another way I can disable this addon which is causing errors on my forum? For anyone running Xenforo 2.3, do not purchase XR PRODUCT MANAGER. It's broken and likely won't be fixed. I'm still wondering why it hasn't been marked as unmaintained due to the lack of support and acknowledgment from the developer.


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    Content BBCode

    Sim submitted a new resource:

    [thread] and [post] BBCode - Adds support for vBulletin [thread] and [post] BBCode tags

    This XenForo 2.0 addon adds [thread] and [post] BBCode tags.

    This basically does the same job as @Xon's Thread & Post BB Code for XF2 addon - but mine is (deliberately) much less sophisticated and does no permission checking or thread/post lookups.

    I've basically aimed to reproduce the original vBulletin (v3.8.x) functionality of simply...
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    Anchor links in 2.3

    XenForo 2.3:

    Anchor links are highly impractical to use. Why?
    • You need to publish a reply in order to see them (so any table of contents needs to be added to the post afterwards.
    • If you use any local characters (for Serbocroatian it is šđžčć in latin and any character in cyrilic script), the links look like crap (especially the cyrilic).

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