Плагин xF2 [021] XenForo WebSockets

НетМеня обновил ресурс [021] XenForo WebSockets новой записью:


  • На форумах с закрытым доступом для гостей в определенных сценариях требовалось подключение к websocket, но этого не произошло из-за проверки разрешений на просмотр

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Five stars, delete, half stars

I see many scenarios where the typical 5 stars for rating are too less. Very often, i want to give 3.5 or 4.5 stars.
The decision for 3, 4 or 5 is many times not what I want to do. I have to lie, because i can't choose anything else.

Changing this should be a core thing, with option for the admin to stay with 1 to 5 or have half stars also.
Instead of an integer we save a float, instead of choosing from 1 to 5, we choose from 1 to 1.5, 2 ... 4, 4.5, 5.

To repeat it, for many scenarios...

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Hide Sidebar

Sim submitted a new resource:

Hide Sidebar - Hide sidebar on selected nodes

Hide sidebar on selected nodes.

Simply add a comma-separated list of node_ids to the options and the sidebar will not appear on those nodes.

This affects both forum_view* and thread_view* as well as search_forum_view templates.
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Bugs with New Style Variation?

When you enable it, go to your site, switch to dark mode, and then disable the style variation in settings again, the logo breaks and displays an invalid picture icon

When you enable the style variation, go to the site, and it's set to System, and then switch to dark mode, certain elements remain white. These elements stay white until you disable the style variation in settings and set it to white by default or something. I couldn't pinpoint the exact reproduction process, but none of...

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CLI search rebuild doesn't report error with incorrect parameter

Re: https://xenforo.com/community/threa...back-to-inbuilt-and-rebuilding-search.223141/

Using --type=threads instead of --type=thread with php cmd.php xf-rebuild:search doesn't return an error/warning message.

threads (plural) is assumed to be correct, as this is what's shown at /admin.php?tools/rebuild for content type drop-down.

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Hide Adverts

Sim submitted a new resource:

Hi Adverts - Add a permission setting to control who can hide adverts

Adds a permission setting "Can hide adverts" to assign user groups permissions to hide adverts. This is intended to be used with paid upgrades so that users can pay to hide adverts.

Note that the functionality of this addon is largely able to be reproduced using only the advertising management system that is a core part of XenForo 2.x. This addon simply provides an...
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No search results after turning off enhanced, falling back to inbuilt, and rebuilding search

My hosting provider is having an extended hardware issue/outage with the server I have Elastic installled/running, thus search attempts are returning an error and posting is lagging etc.

I have turned off/disabled ES ( /admin.php?enhanced-search/ ) and ran search rebuild for threads ( php cmd.php xf-rebuild:search --type=threads --truncate ) It takes ~1 sec ( I would expect a lot longer for 175K+ threads) and when using search for word(s) in thread titles, even basic words...

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[TylerAustin] Music Thread Starter: Display Music Poster In Search Results - XF2 [Paid]

GameNet submitted a new resource:

[TylerAustin] Music Thread Starter: Display Music Poster In Search Results - XF2 - Add music poster instead of avatar in search results and tag results

View attachment 305811

Add music poster instead of avatar in search results and tag results

Key Feature(s):
  • Displaying music poster in search results and tag results
  • Displaying music info in search results and tag results
  • Integration with [OzzModz] TADb Music Thread...
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Using Composer Packages in XenForo 2.1+ Addons Tutorial

Sim submitted a new resource:

Using Composer Packages in XenForo 2.1+ Addons Tutorial - How to use Composer packages in XenForo 2.1+ addons

Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you.

XenForo v2 uses Composer behind the scenes to include certain packages used by the core software. As addon developers, we can include Composer packages in our...
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Recommended upgrade path?

I tried running the automatic update, but it failed after a few seconds. I was able to copy the old php files from a backup, but now I'm getting weird errors (double posts, email notifications faulting out, etc) and may have to push through with a 2.3 upgrade. Do I have to copy the files manually and do the CLI upgrade, or....?

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Find Reports by Author / Reporter

Within the Report Centre ( /reports/ ) the only find / filtering option is by the reported content author.
I would like to see the ability to also find / filter by the Reported By author.

When you have users complaining that malicious / inconsequential complaints and/or reports are being made about their content, it would be very useful to review the reports and content a user is generating.

Thus, extend the existing 'for member' find to also have an input field for 'by member' too.

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So like a dummy……….

I had auto upgrades set for asap. Now with 2.3 we my forum is a disaster and I had to take it off line.

I tried creating a default theme with no add ons and still no luck. XF says there’s no version roll back option. Third party theme says a week or 2.

I guess we see what’s left when the dust settles.

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Add day of week to date_format for AdminCP statistics tooltips

Having the tooltip display the day of the week preceding the current date on statistics tooltips would be useful. I believe it is common for admins to want to compare stats to same day last week, or two weeks prior. Currently to do that you also have to bring up a calendar or math -7 and hope you know how many days were in the previous month. It would just be a little easier/quicker if the date showed "Sun Jul 7, 2024...".


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Mobile logo too small

My logo on mobile shows too small. On the previous version I used in extra.less but with this code my logo doesn't show at all.

How do I make the logo size correctly in 2.3?

Logo size is 451 X 68

// ########################### FULL SIZE LOGO ON MOBILE ########################
.p-nav-smallLogo {
display: none !important;
.p-header-logo {
max-width: none !important;
.has-js .p-header {
display: block;

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Child Nodes in grid layout?


I currently have one node setup which has children nodes. When I go into that node, they are listed in a stack rather than in the grid layout that I have elsewhere.

Screenshot 2024-07-11 at 9.46.55 AM.webp

Screenshot 2024-07-11 at 9.47.54 AM.webp

I was wondering if there was any easy way for me to change this to make them appear in a grid layout the same as on the forum list page?


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I am having trouble deleting member

Since the new version of 2.3 came out last Friday, i had trouble, but today I created a test user on tapatalk, as i have a third party plugin to select the members membership. but upon trying to delete it afterwards i am greeted by an error, that i do not know where it came from.

Screenshot 2024-07-10 at 23.55.36.webp

this is what i get.

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