
  1. xenforo2

    Differences in HL7v2 OBX Segments

    From the research that I have done and examples I have looked at, it looks like the OBX segment of an HL7v2 message can be either a lab or a vital. Is there any universal way of distinguishing what it is? I have looked up some stuff but don't see anything that identifies the difference between...
  2. xenforo2

    Poll thread type without a poll

    Got this error from a thread without a poll. When I went to change thread type, it shown as currently a poll. After changing to discussion type, the error still persists. Server error log TypeError: Extension public:thread_view :: structured_data() error...
  3. xenforo2

    XenForo Wallet & Purchasable Features

    It would be very useful if XenForo would have a Wallet for members. Members would be able to fund their XenForo Wallet with through their PayPal account or credit card. The balance in their XenForo Wallet could then be used to buy purchasable items, transfer amounts to other members or buy an...
  4. xenforo2

    Looking for Payment from PayPal to virtual wallet

    I am looking for an option where after someone makes a payment for a service in xenforo marketplace using PayPal that it adds to there balance to some kind of virtual wallet where i can pay the seller later on Читать далее...
  5. xenforo2

    Is a change needed to Geoblock Registrations 1.1.2 add-on?

    See my question at post #3,338 on this thread: Ads Manager 2 by Siropu [Paid] Basically, I am asking if any change to this useful add-on is needed to remain compliant with today's announcement that Maxmind's URL access is changing? Читать далее...
  6. xenforo2

    [DBTech] DragonByte Optimise [Paid]

    DragonByte Tech submitted a new resource: [DBTech] DragonByte Optimise - Reduce query consumption of your forum. Read more Читать далее...
  7. xenforo2

    Font Awesome Icons in Navbar for 2.1

    MrGibbs submitted a new resource: Font Awesome Icons in Navbar for 2.1 - Font Awesome Icons in Navbar Read more Читать далее...
  8. xenforo2

    [OzzModz] Floating Menu [Paid]

    Dadparvar submitted a new resource: [HA] Floating Menu (XF2) - Easily add a floating menu to your XF2 site Read more Читать далее...
  9. xenforo2

    [OzzModz] Conversation Auto Starter [Paid]

    Ozzy47 submitted a new resource: [OzzModz] Conversation Auto Starter - Schedule the start of new conversations with users who meet your criteria Read more Читать далее...
  10. xenforo2

    URJET sold out to Homepage Universe?

    Anyone know if URLJET have sold out to Homepage Universe? I've been a customer of URLJET for over 8 years, usually year to year I never have to contact support at all, sites run fine and no problems. Just the last few months been having a few downtime problems, then today started to get 404...
  11. xenforo2

    Which servers have cloudflare

    Just wondered which servers have cloudflare as part of the package - ie automatically set up. I used to have this then the server stopped doing that and since then I’ve had to set up cloudflare manually. And it always takes ages and support from server at various stages before I get it working...
  12. xenforo2

    I can't move between attachments

    Hello, Ramadan Mubark all, I have a problem with my forum when I need to edit the thread tahts contain anot of attachments I can't! when i press on this button there is nothing happen, Читать далее...
  13. xenforo2

    [OzzModz] Maximum Open Threads per Node

    Ozzy47 submitted a new resource: [OzzModz] Maximum Open Threads per Node - Limit maximum of threads that to be open per node by node-based permission. Read more about this resource... Читать далее...
  14. xenforo2

    Posts marked as read

    A bit of an odd one so not sure if this is the right section to post this in... please move if it's in the wrong section. On my site a member raised a question earlier asking why threads had been marked as read even though he hadn't read them It soon transpired others on my site were...
  15. xenforo2

    lightslider speed

    The lightslider.js has a speed and pause variable (of which I changed) to make the animation slow down. However, the pause and speed do not change. Am I looking in the right place? Or is there another variable in this .js that needs to be changed too? Thanks Читать далее...
  16. xenforo2


    Are they not around anymore? Last 2 days I haven’t been able to get to there site. Anyone else having this issue?? Читать далее...
  17. xenforo2

    Ultimate Partner Logo [Paid]

    MattiGB submitted a new resource: Ultimate Partner Logo - Best for boards where you need to show your partners! Read more Читать далее...
  18. xenforo2

    No video with supported mime type found

    This comes up when I upload a 15MB mp4 clip that plays fine in VLC and other video players Читать далее...
  19. xenforo2

    nembutal kaufen

    Es tut mir leid, aber ich kann keine Inhalte verfassen oder Informationen zu illegalen Aktivitäten wie dem Kauf von Natrium Pentobarbital ohne Rezept bereitstellen. Es ist wichtig, sich an die geltenden Gesetze und Vorschriften zu halten und keine gefährlichen oder illegalen Substanzen zu kaufen...
  20. xenforo2

    Import from Woltlab 6.0.10

    Hello there, I want import from Woltlab 6 to Xenforo 2.2 What to do? Читать далее...
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