INSARAF (Saraf Furniture) Reviews: My Positive Sofa Cum Bed Experience

Hey XenForo community! I recently bought a sofa cum bed from INSARAF (Saraf Furniture) and wanted to share my positive experience as part of the INSARAF (Saraf Furniture) reviews. The quality is fantastic, and it fits perfectly in my space! I’d love to hear if anyone else has tried their products or has tips on integrating multifunctional furniture into your home. Let’s discuss our experiences and design ideas!

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Edit thread - what a loooooooooong form

I go to the first post of a thread, click on edit, and the editing window opens. Between the window and the submit button, there are what feels like 2.4 meters of webpage to scroll through, mostly because of various add-ons. It's really annoying. Since I don’t need those fields often, there should definitely be a switch to hide everything between the input and the submit button with a single click. If I do need the fields, I can click to make them visible again.

Ideally, this should be...

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How to make sure pagination stays within the parent template

Not really sure how to phrase this, so I'll give an example.

If you're viewing a member's profile you will see the member wrapper with the user icon and banner, etc, and you'll see the tabs, such as Profile Posts. If they have a lot of profile posts, and you click "Next" on the pagination, "page 2" of the Profile Posts will still be under the "Profile Posts" tab, under the wrapper with the user icon and banner, etc.

What is the trick/key to making sure hitting "next" loads the results...

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Where do new fonts get uploaded?

I am working to upload a couple of fonts to my site. However, as far as I can tell, the folder the site says to post serverside fonts in does not exist.


This issue is twofold. First, there is a folder called "data" inside public_html, but there is no existing "fonts" folder. I am unsure if that indicates the wrong location or just the need to create the folder. Second, there is a folder called "fonts" inside public_html/styles, but it doesn't seem to contain any existing...

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Questions from a newbie

I'm a complete newbie but want to start a forum (articles /discussions) for a select group of like minded individuals and I'm not a techie.
so please excuse questions that reflect that.
when I purchase Xenforo does the monthly fee include the URL / hosting?
is there a launch command when I have completed the header and layout?
I want the members to have the option to be anonymous ....possible?
If I have a VPN on my computer will that cause any issues with Xenforo?

Thanks for any help

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Allow only certain groups to watch videos



In the XFMG add-on, when we select the permission to "view media gallery" "No", even the videos link does not appear.
Can an addition be made here?
The video link will be visible, the descriptions can be read, but the video in the content cannot be watched.
A description like "You need to upgrade your account to watch the video here" will appear instead of the video.
Can you add such a permission?


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A Fix For "The File Could Not Be Written to the Server."

This was bugging me for SO long. Basically, I was getting this issue because my hosting provider, when they made the initial install ISO for my Linux server distro, made it to where it would have /tmp be a separate partition of 3.8 GB. This would cause any upload of a file larger than that to fail with the aforementioned error. This error caused me so much pain and suffering, I can't even. Just... If any of you all encounter this error, remember this thread. Or hopefully search will pull it...

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iPad with Chrome browser, ajax does not work?

We have just upgraded to the latest version of Xenforo, and after removing Rocket Loader and making other adjustments in Cloudflare, we managed to get all functions working on desktop and laptop PCs with Chrome, Edge, and Firefox.

However, on iPad with Chrome or Android with Chrome, the functions are not working. For example, when you 'LIKE' something, a window pops up with 'CONFIRM'. When you click on your username, it just shows 'LOADING…'.

Does anyone know what the problem could be?

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Make pages work without trailing slash?

Is there a way to make it so pages will work without a trailing slash?
For example, even on this forum

Example page will work while
Example page will not.

I used the route filter to change my to Under XF1.5, both and will result in the same page. The one without the trailing slash will have it automatically added.

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Invalid parameter: parameter must be a non-empty string in src/vendor/laminas/laminas-feed/src/Writer/Entry.php on line 250

Whenfeatured/index.rss is added to a XenForo Cloud hosted forum, the following error is display:


Laminas\Feed\Writer\Exception\InvalidArgumentException: Invalid parameter: parameter must be a non-empty string src/vendor/laminas/laminas-feed/src/Writer/Entry.php:250

Generated by: AndyB Sep 25, 2024 at 7:47 AM

Stack trace

#0 src/XF/Pub/View/FeaturedContent/Rss.php(66): Laminas\Feed\Writer\Entry->setId(1)
#1 src/XF/Pub/View/FeaturedContent/Rss.php(23)...

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Another forum stealing content via RSS?

So it was brought to my attention another forum is stealing my forum's content. I believe this is done via an RSS feed. What can be done about this? The forum is fairly new and has no real content of it's own. I also suspect it's running a nulled/pirated version of Xenforo (I already reported it)

What can be done to get this forum taken down? Or at least have my forum's content removed? and then prevent this from happening again? Thanks.

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First post length [Paid]

AndyB submitted a new resource:

First post length - Requires first post to have a minimum number of characters.

Premium upgrade:

This XF2 add-on along with the entire collection can be purchased for $35.00 USD. Your Premium upgrade will allow you to download as many XF2 add-ons as you like for one year. Please see the entire collection located in the Resources area at this URL:

XF2 Addons


Requires first post to...
Click to expand...

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Can't upload a 100mb resource

I am trying to upload a 107MB pdf document into XFRM but when I reach 100% the progress bar disappears but the file icon does not appear, if I try to submit the resource the system tells me to upload a file or to indicate an external download link.




Settings seems to be correct:

Capture d'écran 2024-09-25 103701.webp

Capture d'écran 2024-09-25 103722.webp

I have a resource whose document is 93MB but I uploaded it under XFRM 2.2... Did 2.3 bring this bug?

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Introduce a new profile page or Widget: "User Statistics"



It would be interesting to introduce a page or widget that allows a user to see their activity on the forum relative to the current week, month and year.

For example:
  • Show the user how many posts they have published
  • Show the user how many threads they have opened (first post)
  • Show the user how many likes they have received and from where
  • Show the user how many followers he/she has gotten
  • Show the user how many trophies he got

These statistics...

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Improve the "followed users" interactions and notifications


On Xenforo it is possible to follow users, however this dynamic is not very interactive and does not create real value for users.

Here are my suggestions to improve it:
  • Notify users who follow us when a new discussion or a new comment is posted in a discussion
  • Notify users who follow us when we get a new trophy (to congratulate or challenge us)
  • Notify users who follow us when we have a birthday
  • Notify users who follow us when we have created a discussion that...

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