Right now, we can only ban a potential spammer on a spam clean of the approval queue.
However, some users might be legitimate, just on the list because 1 VPN they choose to use was banned by others abusing it.
There should be a default option for spam clean, which could ban spammer, or place them into a specified secondary group (in this case, "Submit content without approval" set to No/Never).
I've found myself having to edit some users to place them into this group when I...
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However, some users might be legitimate, just on the list because 1 VPN they choose to use was banned by others abusing it.
There should be a default option for spam clean, which could ban spammer, or place them into a specified secondary group (in this case, "Submit content without approval" set to No/Never).
I've found myself having to edit some users to place them into this group when I...
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