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Приветствуем нового пользователя, bloblo

@bloblo, Добро пожаловать на наш форум! Территория возможностей 💥 😉

Зарегистрированный пользователь не может скачивать ресурсы ознакомившись с условиями на странице с повышениями групп или в личном профиле!

Описания платных групп:

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Ignore and Reactions

Let's assume you have a "best friend," someone who somehow has it in for you and comments on every one of your posts with nasty remarks or gives you a thumbs down. Imagine this "best friend" is also friends with the admin. So you have no chance to do anything. You can put the guy on "ignore," but his many thumbs down are still visible.

In the worst case, you have to find a new forum because over time you just don't feel like dealing with such a forum hero anymore. And that's exactly what...

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Приветствуем нового пользователя, Tema_Maslow

@Tema_Maslow, Добро пожаловать на наш форум! Территория возможностей 💥 😉

Зарегистрированный пользователь не может скачивать ресурсы ознакомившись с условиями на странице с повышениями групп или в личном профиле!

Описания платных групп:

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XenForo Cloud 2.3.3. Adding /tags/electrical/page-3 to forum URL creates 5 server errors.

Symfony\Component\Cache\Exception\InvalidArgumentException: Cache key "session_ivRdeqOWjOxZfUcqJn1CvY-QnVV0hRtQ-1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' -- " contains reserved characters "{}()/\@:". src/vendor/symfony/cache/CacheItem.php:167

Generated by: Unknown account Sep 28, 2024 at 6:43 PM

Stack trace

#0 src/vendor/symfony/cache/Traits/AbstractAdapterTrait.php(396)...

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Widget Error

Getting this error, not sure what it means and how to fix. Running 2.3


Server error log
InvalidArgumentException: Template public:extra_footer error: No widget defined with a widget_key of online_list_online_statistics src/XF/SubContainer/Widget.php:85
Generated by: Unknown account Sep 28, 2024 at 5:15 PM
Stack trace
#0 src/XF/Container.php(233): XF\SubContainer\Widget->XF\SubContainer\{closure}('online_list_onl...', Array, Object(XF\Container))
#1 src/XF/SubContainer/Widget.php(150)...

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Maybe a bug in image/edit/preview function

Possibly a bug in XFMG in image/edit/preview function:



InvalidArgumentException: Class XFMG\Media\EditImagePreview does not match formatter pattern %s\%s\View\%s
Generated by: xxxxxx
Sep 28, 2024 at 10:32 PM
Stack trace
#0 src/XF/App.php(1667): XF::stringToClass('XFMG\\Media\\Edit...', '%s\\%s\\View\\%s', 'Pub')
#1 src/XF/Container.php(234): XF\App->XF\{closure}('XFMG\\Media\\Edit...', Array, Object(XF\Container))
#2 src/XF/Container.php(247)...

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Updates from ozzy47?

In a German forum, it is being discussed that nothing has happened with Ozzy47 for a while and important updates for 2.3 haven't been made yet.

I don't know if that's true. I only know that the Google search no longer works, and I will start working on it tomorrow. The moderator add-on has an issue when the ignore add-on isn't installed, and I was too lazy to adjust it. Xon's report add-on doesn't work, so I uninstalled it.

Most add-ons need a replace of "name" with "id" in the templates...

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XFCoder :: Latest XF Threads Widget for WordPress

gigipmc submitted a new resource:

Latest XF Threads Widget for WordPress - Shows your latest forum threads in a widget on your WordPress installation

The plugin allows you to create "Latest XenForo Threads" widgets on your WordPress installation.

Utilizes the XenForo API, which means that you can also fetch the latest threads of a remote website that isn't on your own server if you want to.​

Uses AJAX for loading the widget content, so as not to interfere...​
Click to expand...

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Dr. Kevin Maharaj Assaulted a Woman, 102 Raleigh Road

Dr. Kevin Maharaj assaulted me in a park. He was jogging. He thought I was in the way, so he grabbed me, picked me up and threw me at a thorn bush. Dr. Kevin Maharaj is a school teacher at a high school. He plays Warcraft. He resides at 102 Raleigh Road, Schwenksville PA 19473. He is 6 foot tall, dark complexion, dark hair, sometimes has a beard. Below is a picture of Kevin Maharaj. He has two children, Emma Maharaj and Jude Maharaj...

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