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Iconify Custom Node Icons [Deleted]

Arty submitted a new resource:

Iconify Custom Node Icons - Custom node icons with icon picker and over 30,000 icons to choose from.

Important: this add-on requires installation of Iconify Support add-on. Click here to get Iconify Integration add-on.

This add-on makes it possible to set custom icons for each node. For forums and categories you can set read and unread node icons, for pages and links only one icon because they do not have unread state...
Click to expand...

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OzzModz / Snog’s Addon Development Services

Howdy XF community,

Services We provide specifically for XenForo
Custom development for XenForo 2+ including
    • Porting add-on made for XenForo 1 to be compatible with XenForo 2+
    • Creating a brand new addon per your request.
    • Fixing old broken addons that other developers have abandoned.
    • Review addons coded by other developers to see if they are secure and meet XenForo coding standards.
Shoot us a conversation via this link and give a description of what it...

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Trouble with bounce handler

We are set up to use AWS SES for out outbound mail and are using a MS Exchange server to handle the bounce messages.
The problem is that we get the error
Laminas\Mail\Exception\RuntimeException: Bounce connection error: cannot login, user or password wrong
We believe we have the correct bounce@mydomain.org email address for bounce but we do not know much about Exchange.
Is it necessary to have the bounce handler on the same domain as the site? Our site...

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Connected Accounts

I don't allow connected accounts. They have always been disabled so I'm not sure why this error occured.

Server error log
ErrorException: [E_WARNING] fopen(/home/xxxxxx/public_html/internal_data/temp/74520d015842067b00d6e6a3bc76df89-6704cc381bf26.temp): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory src/XF/Util/File.php:215
Generated by: Unknown account Oct 8, 2024 at 2:07 AM
Stack trace
#0 [internal function]: XF::handlePhpError(2, '[E_WARNING] fop...', '/home/xxxxxx/publi...', 215)

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Spammers in Approval Queue, what to do?

We switched over from VB to XenForo. I'm now sure how VB dealed with this, but there barely was a spam problem under VB and no manual action had to be taken against individual spammers. Now with Xenforo, there are a lot of new account registrations that XenForo detects because of matches against StopForumSpam. So XenForo puts them in the Approval Queue. (I don't know what VB did with these, but we didn't have a spam problem. Or maybe the spammers are not interested in VB?)

I suspect that...

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Featured threads images enlarged

Whenever I use the option to upload an image for featured threads I end up with an image of 1280x1280 pixels, even if I upload a lot smaller than this.
The interesting is that my maximum attachment size is 1000x1000....
I have tried with image optimizer off or on, with GD or imagemagick. It always ends up being 1280x1280.

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XF\Mvc\Router::prepareStringForUrl contains tiny amount of uneeded code

There are no double quotes left after the immediately preceeding strtr call (not completely visible in the diff below) which replaces double quotes with a space character.


--- a/src/XF/Mvc/Router.php
+++ b/src/XF/Mvc/Router.php
@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ class Router
            '`!"$%^&*()-+={}[]<>;:@#~,./?|' . "\r\n\t\\",
            '                             ' . '    '
-       $string = strtr($string, ['"' => '', "'" => '']);
+       $string = strtr($string, ["'" =>...

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Renaming the Resources in the Banner to a different name


For a Bulletin Board System (BBS) Forum a wanna change the name of the Resources into "Filebase", resp. Dateibereich for the germans.
Reason.. In the BBS Community, Sysop's and User's knowing that... but Resources, or Ressourcen (german) are unknown for them.


Is it possible to "easy" change that, without crashing XenForo?

Thank you!


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Disable Email Requirement for Registration

How do we disable email requirement for forum registration? I ran through the basic user registration options in the ACP with no luck.

I do not need it, I am not concerned with people's emails, I do not want people's emails, and the requirement is currently negatively effecting my traffic and registration count based on feedback I have.

Thank you.

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[cXF] Remove username link [Paid]

BassMan submitted a new resource:

[cXF] Remove username link - Removes (unlink) username link and avatar link on various forum locations based on permissions.

This is a cXF Pack B Membership Add-on. Upgrade your account to cXF Pack B Membership for:
Click to expand...
Click to expand...

Read more about this...

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Мануал Объявление в темы в определенной категории.

Pokschubin разместил(а) новый ресурс:

Объявление в темы в определенной категории. - Объявление в темы в определенной категории.

  1. Создаем дополнительное поле тем.
  2. Выберите разделы в которых будут отображаться объявления.
  3. В разделе Общие параметры выберите группы, которые увидят предупреждающее сообщение.
  4. Выберите варианты кнопок и варианты ответов.
  5. Затем в поле HTML для вывода значения введите свой HTML-код и сохраните.
<div classe="annonceThread">
    <p class="annonce"style="text-align: center; background: red; color: white;"><b><i class="fa fa-warning"></i>...

Посмотреть страницу этого ресурса...

ИНСТРУКЦИИ Объявление в темы в определенной категории.

  1. Создаем дополнительное поле тем.
  2. Выберите разделы в которых будут отображаться объявления.
  3. В разделе Общие параметры выберите группы, которые увидят предупреждающее сообщение.
  4. Выберите варианты кнопок и варианты ответов.
  5. Затем в поле HTML для вывода значения введите свой HTML-код и сохраните.
<div classe="annonceThread">
    <p class="annonce"style="text-align: center; background: red; color: white;"><b><i class="fa fa-warning"></i> Внимание</b> Тест<br>
тест !</p></div>


МОДЫ xF2 Glowing Froala Editor

Pokschubin разместил(а) новый ресурс:

Glowing Froala Editor - Светящийся редактор Froala

Добавьте следующей код в свой шаблон extra.less для создания светящейся рамки вокруг редактора Froala, когда фокус устанавливается во время набора текста пользователем.

@-webkit-keyframes glow {
    to {
        border-color: #626262;
        -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 4px #626262;
        -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 4px #626262;
        box-shadow: 0 0 4px #626262;
.fr-box.fr-basic {
    &.is-focused {
        -webkit-animation: glow 1.0s...

Посмотреть страницу этого ресурса...

МОДЫ xF2 Glowing Froala Editor

Добавьте следующей код в свой шаблон extra.less для создания светящейся рамки вокруг редактора Froala, когда фокус устанавливается во время набора текста пользователем.

@-webkit-keyframes glow {
    to {
        border-color: #626262;
        -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 4px #626262;
        -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 4px #626262;
        box-shadow: 0 0 4px #626262;
.fr-box.fr-basic {
    &.is-focused {
        -webkit-animation: glow 1.0s infinite alternate;
        -webkit-transition: border 1.0s linear, box-shadow 1.0s linear;
        -moz-transition: border 1.0s linear, box-shadow 1.0s linear;
        transition: border 1.0s linear, box-shadow 1.0s linear;

Измените цвет с #626262 на #00ff0c на неоново-зеленый, который может лучше сочетаться с темными стилями игровых сайтов.

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outgoing email not delivered


I'm having problems getting the XF outgoing mail to work, I tried all options (except Microsoft OAuth) and none of them is working !!

The Google OAuth is giving me: "Access blocked: This app’s request is invalid".. followed by "You can’t sign in because this app sent an invalid request. You can try again later, or contact the developer about this issue."

Any help is highly appreciated.

Thank you.

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hello guys , i need this add-ons Attributes for last xenforo version
Can you tell me the same add-ons ?


  • Permission for limit the number of attachment user can download per period.
  • Permission for delay between download.
  • Permission for limit attachments download bandwidth.

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Приветствуем нового пользователя, Marlboro

@Marlboro, Добро пожаловать на наш форум! Территория возможностей 💥 😉

Зарегистрированный пользователь не может скачивать ресурсы ознакомившись с условиями на странице с повышениями групп или в личном профиле!

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