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Edit limit [Paid]

AndyB submitted a new resource:

Edit limit - Allows extending edit time limit for thread author.

Premium upgrade:

This XF2 add-on along with the entire collection can be purchased for $35.00 USD. Your Premium upgrade will allow you to download as many XF2 add-ons as you like for one year. Please see the entire collection located in the Resources area at this URL:

XF2 Addons


Allows extending edit time limit for...
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UK/Europe Based VPS (Managed)


I'm looking for a good managed VPS host, if possible in the UK, I've been with my current hosts for almost 2 months and the past few days have been awful, VPS/website showing on whois as Inactive, getting 500/503 errors...

It's not a managed VPS, but they should help if it's down, 3 times today alone.

I'm looking for this setup.

1. CloudLinux 8 Solo
2. LiteSpeed Web Server (Site Owner Plus)
3. cPanel / WHM
4. MariaDB
5. PHP 8.2.x and 8.3.x
6. ConfigServer Security & Firewall (CSF)...

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Struggling to connect XF SSO to Nextcloud

I am trying to offer XenForo as a log-in on Nextcloud.
For that purpose I gave permission to read user data and installed this plugin in my Nextcloud instance:

GitHub - zorn-v/nextcloud-social-login

Contribute to zorn-v/nextcloud-social-login development by creating an account on GitHub.

As some of the issues recommend I tried to setup XenForo both as Oauth2 and OIDC.
I get to the point where XenForo asks for permission, however, when I try to grant the permission I am greated with this error log:

{"reqId":"fNRKipTyhpLgxflbgKCl","level":0,"time":"July 08...

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GD or imagick if...

...WebP is not activated for imagick?

Unfortunately my host offers an old version of imagick which does not support WebP, they will update it but it will take up to 4 months (hello responsiveness). So in the meantime is it better to activate XF image optimization via GD or not activate it and use imagick? Knowing that my forum has a very small audience (it is just 1 month old).


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Usergroup specific CSS

Lots of questions today. I am trying to write a cSS for the structitem-cell ( the whole container where the thread title and other info sits in the forum new post) for specific usergroup. Bascially I want to highlight the thread title block for some usergroups.

Is there a way to select a specific usergroup ID and apply the CSS to it?

.structItem-cell {
background-color: orange; /* Force the background color to be orange */
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Upgrade from 2.2 to 2.3

The web based update did not work so I went for the manual approach and uploaded the files (upgrade package). But I didn't merge (I instead replaced) so I was not able to do the install process and my site is down.

I'm now uploading the files (full package) and will try the install again.
Is this the right approach given where I'm at?

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Reported Content Thread Title

When a post is reported by an member, a report message is generated and get posted to a chosen forum under User discouragement and discipline

By default, the title is " Report content: Thread Title of the thread that is repoted. "

Where would I edit this title - These titles are usually way too long/

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What advice would you give to a new community owner?

Many of us have been building communities for years so we know what to expect and how to handle things, especially when we fall into issues.

For those who are new to creating a new community and are a new community owner, they in most cases will not have a lot of experience and will often make errors.

As someone who has been a community owner for many years, what advice would you give to a new community owner? Anything in particular you would focus on?

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How to select a piece of code from PAGE_CONTAINER

I am seeking assistance with modifying a specific section of code that begins with <div class="p-body"> and ends with its corresponding </div>, using template_modifications.xml
This section contains multiple child divs.
Could you advise on the appropriate regular expression or method to achieve this?
Thank you.

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Show map [Paid]

AndyB submitted a new resource:

Show map - A fully integrated map system based on threads.

Premium upgrade:

This XF2 add-on along with the entire collection can be purchased for $35.00 USD. Your Premium upgrade will allow you to download as many XF2 add-ons as you like for one year. Please see the entire collection located in the Resources area at this URL:

XF2 Addons


A fully integrated map system based...
Click to expand...

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I upgraded to php 8.3.8. But I'm getting these errors

I upgraded to php 8.3.8. But I'm getting these errors

    • ErrorException: Job XF\Job\PushSend: [E_USER_WARNING] [WebPush] gmp extension is not loaded but is required for sending push notifications with payload or for VAPID authentication. You can fix this in your php.ini.
    • src/vendor/minishlink/web-push/src/WebPush.php:79
    • Tarafından: Bilinmeyen hesap
    • 8 Tem 2024 16:24'de
  • #0 [internal function]: XF::handlePhpError(512, '[E_USER_WARNING...', '/home/htsumer/p...', 79)

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Плагин xF2 [DBTech] DragonByte Stripe Checkout

xenforo2 обновил ресурс [DBTech] DragonByte Stripe Checkout новой записью:


Основные моменты обновлений​

!!Для этой версии требуется PHP 8.0+!!!

В этой версии удалена "Повторяющаяся" поддержка, поскольку теперь она добавлена в XenForo 2.3. В это дополнение также добавлена поддержка обновленного обработчика платежных профилей Stripe.

Полный журнал изменений​

Изменение: Обновление для совместимости со встроенной Stripe Checkout в XF 2.3
Изменение: Убрать флаг "Повторяющийся"
Изменение: Обновлены...

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...

Плагин xF2 [DBTech] DragonByte Tweet Poster

НетМеня обновил ресурс [DBTech] DragonByte Tweet Poster новой записью:


Основные моменты обновлений​

!!Для этой версии требуется PHP 8.0+!!!

В этой версии обновлены внутренние библиотеки, чтобы использовать преимущества новых возможностей PHP 8, а также различные обновления для поддержки XenForo 2.3.

Полный журнал изменений​

Изменение: Обновите библиотеку TwitterOAuth
Изменение: Обновлены макросы до формата XF 2.3
Изменение: Замените различные ссылки на class-string<T> эквиваленты...

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...

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IndexNow error: The key field is required.

  • ErrorException: IndexNow error: The key field is required.
  • src/XF/Error.php:80
  • Generated by: Unknown account
  • Jul 2, 2024 at 5:03 AM

Stack trace​

#0 src/XF.php(256): XF\Error->logError('IndexNow error:...', false)
#1 src/XF/IndexNow/Api.php(79): XF::logError('IndexNow error:...')
#2 src/XF/IndexNow/Api.php(34): XF\IndexNow\Api->request('/?key=&keyLocat...', Array, 'IndexNow error:...')
#3 src/XF/Job/ContentIndexNow.php(84)...

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After 2.3 do I need these addons?

Still trying to work out which changes have been made since upgrading to XF2.3. I know there is a lot of new stuff. These are the current addons I have - are any of them no longer needed if stuff is built in please?

Collapse hamburger menu (think I still need this for mobiles?)
Highlight sticky threads
Change Author
Change date
Conversation search plus
Duplicate account check
Convert Image (converts hotlinked images to attachments)

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