Плагин xF2 Lazy Load [img] by Xon

НетМеня обновил ресурс Lazy Load [img] by Xon новой записью:


  • Исправлена ошибка javascript при цитировании сообщения с помощью кнопки "ответить" с помощью XF2.2
  • Поддержка XF2.3

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Плагин xF2 [SC] Prefix Filter

НетМеня обновил ресурс [SC] Prefix Filter новой записью:

2.0.1 Fix 1

Изменено :
  • Общедоступный макрос: sc_prefix_macros :: ошибка prefix(): Неизвестный столбец discussion_state

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Attachment check [Paid]

AndyB submitted a new resource:

Attachment check - Checks for orphaned inline attachment BB Codes in messages.

Premium upgrade:

For $25.00 USD this add-on along with the entire collection may be downloaded for up to one year. Please see the colletion in the Resources area at this URL:

XF2 Addons


Checks for orphaned inline attachment BB Codes in messages.

Runs a Cron entry every day and sends an email if any inline...
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Latest upgrades [Paid]

AndyB submitted a new resource:

Latest upgrades - Displays a Latest upgrades widget.

Premium upgrade:

This XF2 add-on along with the entire collection can be purchased for $25.00 USD. Your Premium upgrade will allow you to download as many XF2 add-ons as you like for one year. Please see the entire collection located in the Resources area at this URL:

XF2 Addons

Note: all my XF1 add-ons are still 100% free and are supported by...
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Post links [Paid]

AndyB submitted a new resource:

Post links - Allows staff to easily monitor links added to posts.


Allows staff to easily monitor links added to posts.

(Example of Post links in visitor tab)

View attachment 207294

(Example of Post links page)

View attachment 207295

(Example of Options page)

View attachment 207296

(Example of User group permissions)

View attachment 207297

  • All phrases start with postlinks_ for your convenience.
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Migration from Litespeed to Ngninx - any special instructions?

Migrating from Centos7/Litespeed/letsencrypt to Almalinux9/centmin/Nginx.
I haven't been able to fully test on my bench because letsencrypt won't validate me because the old server is still in production.

I'm going to create the new server with a self-signed cert and no letsencrypt, until after the DNS is moved over.
Then, I'll install letsencrypt.

So, I'm wondering if anything special needs to be done when going from litespeed to nginx?
Versus just migrating from one litespeed to another...

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[OzzModz] Conversation Folders

Bespoke submitted a new resource:

Conversation Folders - Organise your conversations by assigning them to different folders.

Once installed, please provide desired user groups the permission 'Conversation Folders'.
In addition, you may wish to change the maximum allowed number of folders. This is located in the add-on's options page.

Features List:
  • Organise your conversations by assigning them to different folders.
  • Option to display conversation totals...
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Overlay share icons link to the page below, not the overlay URL

I've tested this on the xenForo demo.
If I create a page, add it to the main navigation and make it open in an overlay via the Extra attributes data-xf-click overlay, then when it opens the share icons link to whatrever is the page below, not the overlay page.

So in the screenshot, the share link will be forums instead of the test page.

I understand that an external link may not be able to activate the overlay, but if the share links are there in the overlay, then they should...

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Приветствуем нового пользователя, Durka

@Durka, Добро пожаловать на наш форум! Территория возможностей 💥 😉

Зарегистрированный пользователь не может скачивать ресурсы ознакомившись с условиями на странице с повышениями групп или в личном профиле!

Описания платных групп:

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Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500


In short I encounter this error while posting a new thread. I would like to know if it is probably a server security mod error or what it could be.

So once I click the button to publish the new thread I get the 500 error and don't proceed further, but when I go to look at the latest posts I see that the thread has been posted correctly.

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